Reactive Drop Wiki
  1. Skills


Each marine has 5 skills.

Skill Description Sarge Jaeger Wildcat Wolfe Faith Bastille Crash Vegas
Leadership Boosts the damage dealt and damage resistance of nearby squad mates. 5 3            
Vindicator Damage Increases damage dealt by the Vindicator. 3 5            
Autogun Damage Increases damage dealt by the Autogun and Minigun.     4 5        
Piercing Bullets Provides a chance for bullets to pierce enemies and continue out the other side.     2 3        
Healing Increases healing power of healing items and the total amount carried.         5 4    
Infestation Curing Allows the medic to heal infested marines, reducing the duration of the infestation.         3 1    
Combat Drugs Boosts effectiveness of adrenaline when used by your squad.           3    
Scanner Increases range and rate of the movement scanner.             3 3
Engineering Speeds up welding and Sentry Gun setup for all nearby squad mates. Improves fire rate of prototype rifle.       1 3      
Damage Bonus Increases the damage dealt by most standard weapons. 3   4 2 1 3 3  
Explosives Bonus Increases the effectiveness of all explosive weapons. 2 4         2  
Health Bonus Increases the total health of the marine. 4 3   3       3
Melee Damage Bonus Increases the damage dealt by the marine’s melee attacks and melee weapons.   2           4
Reload Speed Bonus Decreases the reload time of all weapons.     3 2 2 3 4 2
Speed Bonus Increases the marine’s movement speed.     4   3     Â